Annually, 1 week after the Streamer Awards (hosted by QTCinderella)
Nominees must
Have streamed at least 100 hours in the ASMR category in the previous year, clarified on the nominations page, as verified on Twitch tracking websites (based on an average of ~8hrs a month or ~2hrs a week).
Exception: ASMR Legacy Award.
You may still be eligible for Rising Star if you started streaming in late 2022.
Adhere to the content guidelines.
Not be currently banned on Twitch.
May nominate more than one streamer per category if desired, and edit their nominations until they close.
Can only vote once.
Will receive an email copy of their choices once voted/nominated if desired.
Top 2 nominees will be selected by the committee for each category based on:
-total number of community nominations,
-adherence to the content guidelines,
-adherence to nominee rules above, and
-adherence to qualifications for each nomination as described on the nomination page
If there are less than 2 nominees for any category, they will be selected by the committee.
A 3rd nominee will be added to all categories by the committee to prevent the formation of a pure popularity contest.
The same nominee may be nominated for more than one award.
Nominee does not have to be present to win.
A single nominee cannot
win more than 1 award.
win the same award 2 years in a row.
Winners have 1 week after the show to email to claim their certificate (or trophy for ASMR Streamer of the Year).
Valid physical mailing address must be included to receive physical trophy/certificate, otherwise digital certificate may be provided.
If you are not in the USA, you must include any full name and phone number to accompany your certificate for international shipping.
ASMR Streamer of the Year will receive a 3D printed binaural ears microphone trophy as seen in mock ups throughout the site. All other winners will receive a mailed certificate OR some type of physical trophy depending on final funding amount from sponsors, if any.
All money raised through the donation link for the charity goes directly to the charity and no other entities, including Twitch or the host.